Dr. Damiana Corca

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Could neurotransmitters be the solution to your insomnia?

Neurotransmitters strongly influence your sleep duration and quality and hence can be a possible solution for  your insomnia issues.

Some of the main neurotransmitters that affect your sleep are gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, hypocretin, histamine, and glutamate1.

Many of the medications used for sleep affect in one way or another some of these neurotransmitters. 

GABA – The Calm-Inducing Neurotransmitter  

GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that plays a key role in calming the nervous system. When GABA levels are low, nerve activity increases, making it harder to relax and fall asleep. Maintaining healthy GABA levels can help regulate these signals, promoting better sleep.

Research shows that individuals with insomnia tend to have GABA levels about 30% lower on average. Interestingly, one of the most common medications for insomnia, Zolpidem (Ambien), works by targeting GABA receptors, although the drug itself does not contain GABA.

Understanding the role of GABA can provide valuable insights into addressing sleep challenges and improving overall well-being.

What causes low GABA levels?  

Low GABA levels can stem from several factors, but understanding these causes can help you take steps toward improvement.

Vitamin B6, for instance, plays a key role in GABA production, so a diet lacking sufficient B6 may contribute to low levels. Research also indicates that cannabis use can lower GABA levels.

Additionally, elevated glutamate levels are often linked to reduced GABA, which may explain why your mind feels "stuck on" when you're trying to relax or fall asleep.

The good news is that these factors can often be addressed with the right guidance and support to help restore balance in your body and mind.

Serotonin’s Link to Insomnia  

Serotonin, an important inhibitory neurotransmitter, plays a key role in regulating mood and sleep. Low serotonin levels are often associated with insomnia, a symptom that many individuals with mood disorders experience. This connection is why certain antidepressants, like Prozac, Zoloft, and Lexapro, are designed to help maintain serotonin levels in the brain.

Additionally, serotonin serves as a precursor to melatonin—a hormone essential for healthy sleep cycles.

Understanding this relationship can be a valuable step toward finding effective solutions for better sleep and overall well-being.

What causes serotonin deficiency?

Serotonin plays a vital role in overall well-being, and understanding what impacts its levels can help you take steps toward better health. Everyday stress, something many of us face, can unfortunately lower serotonin levels over time.

Diet also plays a key role, as serotonin production depends on certain proteins and vitamins. Supporting your gut health is just as important, as a large portion of serotonin’s messengers and receptors are located in the gut.

Other factors, such as heavy metal toxicity, genetic predispositions, hormonal fluctuations, and chronic stress, can also influence serotonin levels. While these challenges may feel overwhelming, understanding the root causes is the first step toward finding solutions and improving your well-being.

Dopamine – balancing brain activity  

GABA and serotonin are both inhibitory neurotransmitters, meaning they help calm and stabilize the brain.

In contrast, excitatory neurotransmitters stimulate brain activity. Dopamine is unique because it can act as both inhibitory and excitatory, playing a key role in maintaining balance in the brain. It is also involved in the production and release of melatonin, the hormone essential for a good night’s sleep.

However, elevated dopamine levels can interfere with melatonin production, which may impact restful sleep. Understanding this balance is crucial to supporting your brain’s overall health and well-being.

What causes the body to produce excessive dopamine?

Certain foods, such as beans and bananas, are known to naturally increase dopamine levels. Additionally, research suggests that falling in love can also elevate dopamine, which may explain why feelings of excitement and sleeplessness often accompany those early stages of romance. Individuals who seek out risks or thrilling experiences may also tend to have higher dopamine levels.

Other neurotransmitters also play a role in sleep regulation. For example, glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter, is heavily involved in the sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythm.

Norepinephrine, responsible for the fight-or-flight response, along with epinephrine and histamines, can also influence your ability to rest.

Finally, melatonin, a well-known regulator of sleep, may be contributing to sleep issues, though it is likely just one part of a more complex picture.

Understanding how these neurotransmitters interact can help shed light on the challenges you may be facing with sleep, and finding the right balance is key to improving your overall well-being.

How do I test my neurotransmitters?

Neurotransmitters urine analysis is a method that can provide valuable insights into why you may be struggling with sleep. By using urine analysis, you can gain clearer, more consistent insights, helping you better understand and address your sleep challenges with confidence.

How is neurotransmitter testing done?

Neurotransmitter testing is conducted through a simple urine test. Following our initial session, I will arrange for the lab to send you a testing kit. Once you receive the kit and collect your sample, you’ll send it back to the lab for analysis. When the results are ready, we’ll review them together and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you regain restful, restorative sleep.

To explore further support, schedule a free consult for local help in Boulder, CO, or long-distance via telehealth.

Check out my book: The Deep Blue Sleep—A Roadmap to Fall Asleep and Stay Asleep Naturally.

Available in Paperback, E-book, and Audio.


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