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As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, there’s an electric charge in the air. Spring is a season of transformation, vibrant colors, and renewed energy. 

We shed our layers of wool and revel in the sun’s warmth. However, with these changes can come a shift in our sleep patterns, leading many to find the transition to Spring more challenging than anticipated.

In this article, we will explore the intricate relationship between the arrival of Spring and our sleep health. From understanding the impact of renewal on our body’s internal systems to practical tips for harnessing the season’s energy, this post will bring tranquility to your nights and vigor to your days. 

Here are 5 reasons why you may be struggling to sleep and how to turn that around to ensure you meet your wellness goals this Spring.

Understanding the Liver’s Role in Spring Sleep Disruptions

In Chinese medicine, the liver is a central figure in the seasonal clock, dominating springtime. 

The vibrations of this “qi” are expansive and creative, mirroring the energy we see blooming all around us. 

However, when the liver’s energy is too much or not in alignment, symptoms such as irritability, frustration, and poor sleep can arise. 

It’s no wonder that sleep disruptions are common during the springtime as we align ourselves with the liver’s powerful yet sometimes overwhelming energy.

How to Support Your Liver for Better Sleep

Consider introducing liver-cleansing foods like leafy greens, lemon water, and beets to counter these disturbances. Acupuncture and acupressure can also help to regulate the liver’s energy, promoting better sleep. 

Remember, balance is vital. Engage in peaceful activities that align with the season, like meditative walks in nature or practicing yoga to harmonize the liver energy with the rest of your body.

Lastly, bloodwork can often tell us if a deeper spring cleanse is needed, where we can use supplements such as liver bitters, glutathione, and binders, depending on each person’s needs and constitution. Laboratory tests that often point towards liver health and a need for detox are enzymes such as GGT, AST, and ALT. Read more about the Role of Bloodwork in Sleep Wellness.

Battling Allergies: Sleep’s Seasonal Nemesis

Spring brings forth a symphony of blooming flowers and pollen, a seasonal spell that spells trouble for allergy sufferers. 

Allergies can increase inflammation and congestion, wreaking havoc on sleep quality. Managing allergy symptoms effectively is vital in the quest for a peaceful rest. 

Take proactive steps such as using air purifiers in your home, keeping windows closed during high-pollen times, and using a saline nasal rinse to clear airways. 

Identifying and avoiding allergy triggers can also be beneficial. Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric and ginger can help alleviate symptoms. 

Furthermore, consider looking deeper into seasonal allergies: there is a correlation between seasonal allergies and gut health. 

The Siren Call of Spring Activities

With Spring’s arrival, the days lengthen, and our desire to enjoy outdoor activities intensifies. Barbecues, gardening, and long walks in the park all beckon us to leave the confines of our homes and partake in nature’s bounty. The downside? There is a tendency to over-schedule and neglect the need for sufficient rest.

Change this by establishing a sleep routine that accommodates your newfound active lifestyle. Allow yourself the flexibility to adjust your bedtime to fatigue levels but to get at least 7 and a half to 9 hours of sleep. 

Create a pre-bedtime ritual that signals your body it’s time to wind down. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, consistency is critical. Follow these tips to successfully wind down— 9 Sleep Hygiene Tips that Actually Work.

Daylight Saving Time and the Lingering Shadows

The transition to Daylight Saving Time (DST) can disrupt the body’s internal clock, causing what is commonly called ‘Spring Forward Fatigue.’ 

Even weeks after the time change, many individuals find themselves struggling with sleep deprivation, feeling ‘off’ without knowing exactly why.

To ease the effects of DST on your sleep in the future, adjust your schedule gradually a week before the change. 

Now, you can start by exposing yourself to sunlight in the early morning to help reset your circadian rhythm. And remember, naps aren’t the enemy, but be cautious with the timing and duration so as not to impede your nighttime sleep. 

The Mental Spring Clean and Managing Excitement

Mentally, we approach Spring with a desire to rid ourselves of the old and usher in the new. This mental spring clean can induce bursts of creative and restless energy. 

Our to-do lists grow as we plan outdoor adventures, home renovation projects, and reconnecting with friends. In the midst of this, proper sleep can be de-prioritized.

Encourage balance by organizing your days with purposeful activities and realistic goals. Prioritize your tasks, knowing that some can wait and that quality sleep should never be compromised. 

Reflect on the source of your excitement and find ways to manage it without sacrificing your well-being. Engage in mind-body activities such as mindfulness or journaling to help calm a racing mind and prepare for restful sleep. 

Always remember that sleep is the foundation on which all other health is built.

How To Further Get Sleep Support

By recognizing and addressing these springtime challenges, you can welcome the season’s growth and transformation without sacrificing your sleep. 

If you would like further support, check out my book, The Deep Blue Sleep—A Roadmap to Fall Asleep and Stay Asleep Naturally, and schedule an appointment for a free consultation or initial session for new patients or a follow-up session for existing patients. I support people’s health long distance and locally in Boulder, Colorado. 

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