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The Deep Blue Sleep book is a book about how to fall asleep and stay asleep naturally.

The release of the book is projected for the end of October 2023.

I have been inspired by the struggles of many of my patients over the past 14 years – not being able to sleep well at night is not only detrimental to your health but it also reduces the quality of your life. I heard all of you who can’t sleep and have decided to write this book so you can have access to natural sleep solutions that work.

Just yesterday, one of my patients who has started sleeping well for a few weeks now, confided how everything feels softer, easier – the world feels kinder and the problems seem so much smaller. She thought that her daily stresses kept her up at night. That was partially true, but when we regulate the nervous system, we bring a certain resilience that makes daily struggles seem less complicated, less bothersome. The biggest benefit is that as we sleep, we heal. So in turn, sleeping well takes the edge off of our daily stresses.

Here is a brief video that explains what’s in The Deep Blue Sleep Book:

The Deep Blue Sleep book is about understanding what stresses your nervous system and keeps you up at night and how to heal naturally, so you can deeply enjoy your nights and days.

This sleep book offers an integrated approach to understand the root cause of sleep challenges, and to help you fall asleep and stay asleep by supporting the nervous system, digestion system, and hormones.

This sleep book centers around three main themes:

  • The 5 types of insomniacs with their very specific ways of showing up in real life, such as trouble falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, or simply too early in the morning, and other associated symptoms that many people may see as unrelated to their sleep struggles. 
  • The major organ systems such as digestion, hormones, and the nervous system’s immense roles in regulating your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. The book takes a deep dive at how the body is truly interconnected which empowers the person who struggles with sleep to truly understand how healing works.
  • Sleep foundations and hygiene changes that truly make a difference when combined with a true understanding of your specific sleep struggle and how it’s connected with the internal organ systems imbalance. 

The 5 Types of Insomniacs presented in The Deep Blue Sleep Book

In this video, Dr. Susan Payrovi from True Medicine (an MS supporting program) interviews me about the 5 types of insomniacs.

You will love this book if you are looking for a holistic approach, if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or if you simply want to understand how to prevent developing sleep struggles. 

The Deep Blue Sleep is a nonfiction book that speaks to people who have trouble sleeping on their own and are tired of being tired and who are interested to find a solution to their sleep struggles within the natural medicine area.

The Deep Blue Sleep book is written in five parts:

  • Part [1] contains Chapters [1-6]. These chapters introduce you to the 5 Insomniac Types. An insomniac is a person who has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep or someone who wakes up in the morning and doesn’t feel rested. These types, such as the anxious or overthinking type, are often related to the nervous system’s inability to completely relax and surrender to sleep at night because of stress, digestion issues, and hormonal imbalances, just to name a few. 
  • Part [2] contains Chapters [7-8]. The most important concept to understand about sleep is that the relaxation of the nervous system is crucial to fall asleep and staying asleep. You will learn various triggers that release stress hormones such as cortisol and how to calm down this stress response. On the other hand, the book also reveals what happens when there is not enough of something that helps you sleep, such as serotonin. Understanding how the nervous system affects your sleep is a crucial concept that is mentioned all throughout the rest of the book.
  • Part [3] contains Chapters [9-12]. These chapters dig deep into the major systems of the body that have a high influence on your sleep: Digestion, Hormones, Toxic Burden, and Chronic Infections & Biotoxins. They follow the same trend from the nervous system chapter, uncovering what stresses the nervous system and causes sleep struggles. For example, how you eat and how you digest your food either ramps up your nervous system or promotes safety and relaxation. Or how hormonal changes cause imbalances in your sleep at a certain time of the month and in perimenopause or menopause. 
  • Part [4] contains chapters (13-15]. The Sleep Foundations chapters take you through a 24-hour timeframe so you can understand all the important aspects that can make a difference in falling asleep and staying asleep. This includes tips for your morning routine, what things you can do during the day to make a positive impact on your sleep, your evening routine, the hour before bedtime, and what to do if you wake up in the middle of the night. These chapters contain information that goes well beyond the typical sleep hygiene tips. 
  • Part [5] contains chapter [16]. The Wrapping it All Up chapter pulls the insomniac types with brief and clear guidance on what to do to fall asleep and/or stay asleep. This chapter summarizes the entire book in a clear succinct way so you can immediately take the next step towards restorative sleep. 

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